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Read data from excel in soapUI like a database

Treating Excel as a database is one of the most popular method used in automation testing. Web services testing is also not much different than that. There might be instances that we might need to treat an excel sheet as a database and read data from this excel sheet in soapUI for data validation or input data or for configuration purposes. In this example, instead of relying on groovy, we will be using a bit of java code to connect to an excel sheet and read data from this excel sheet. In order to connect to an excel as a database, we need a driver. We will be using "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" in our example to connect to an excel fom soapUI. Lets say we have a file named "soapUI-Excel-Example .xls" and it has a work sheet named "ExcelSheetName". Now, create a coulmn named "Name" in the sheet and enter some data in the column. Its time for us to look into the code now. Lets see the below example on how to connect to excel from soapUI.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;

def soapUI_Excel = "C:\\soapUI-Excel\\soapUI-Excel-Example.xls"
soapUIDataConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=" + soapUI_Excel + ";ReadOnly=0", "", "");
Statement stmt = ((Connection) soapUIDataConnection).createStatement();
recordSet = stmt.executeQuery("Select * from [ExcelSheetName\$] where Name like 'soapUI%'"); 

while (


The above example will select all the Names like "soapUI" and print it to soapUI log.
  • Anonymous says:
    July 20, 2012

    I am using soapui to test web services. I hve to hit the backend (DB) and then need to assert the response. This can be done only when the backend DB is present. Is it possible to re-direct the soapui to get the same response form an external Excel instead or actual db ?

  • Admin says:
    July 23, 2012

    Yes.. You can do it by using mock services in soapUI. See the post here Mock Services

  • Shibu Raghav says:
    October 03, 2013

    I am new to Groovy and SOAPUI , can you tell me how a jar file can be referenced?
    This example what are the pre-condition for me to get the named reference , import java.sql.Connection;.
    fyi I am using SOAPUI open source version

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