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soapUI TestRequest Step

As mentioned in other articles, soapUI has different testSteps and one among them is the most used "TestRequest" step.

When the user selects to add the "TestRequest", it will populate a drop down list of all the methods available in the WSDLs. Select the method needed to test from the drop down. This will add a test request to the testCase with all the request elements defaulted with a "?".
Let us see a sample test request below. This test request is for the temperature conversion WSDL example from w3schools website.
soapUI TestRequest
In the above image, you should be able to supply value for the element Celsius and hit the Run button (Green color play button on the top). This will invoke a SOAP request and send it to the end point (See the url in the image). There will be an XML response, returned after processing the value sent by the request.

As you can see the image has different tabs named "Form", "Outline", "Raw" and "XML". These are different views of representing the requests. "Form" view is available only on soapUI Pro version.
  • Anurag says:
    September 28, 2012

    Nice Article...

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