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soapUI SOAP Fault and Not SOAP Fault Assertion

There are two assertions named SOAP Fault and Not SOAP Fault in soapUI. For a test request, there are instances that the server returns a fault error instead of a valid response. To capture this faults these two assertions can be used. If a fault response is returned, then the assertion "Not SOAP Fault" will fail. This is because, the assertion expects a valid response and it received a fault response. If other case, if a fault is returned, "SOAP Fault" assertion will pass, because it is expecting a fault response. To make sure if a "test request" test step received a valid response, either one of these assertions can be used.
Below are the elements present in a SOAP fault message.

  • <faultcode> A code for identifying the fault
  • <faultstring> A human readable explanation of the fault
  • <faultactor> Information about who caused the fault to happen
  • <detail> Holds application specific error information related to the Body element.

The Fault Code values are as follows.
  • VersionMismatch - Found an invalid namespace for the SOAP Envelope element
  • MustUnderstand - An immediate child element of the Header element, with the mustUnderstand attribute set to "1", was not understood
  • Client - The message was incorrectly formed or contained incorrect information
  • Server - There was a problem with the server so the message could not proceed

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